The following is a video and transcript of the weekly “Round Table Journal Club” of the Cellular Medicine Association.
Charles Runels: We’ll start with some research that I think is worth paying attention to and then we’ll answer what questions might have appeared in the past week or so and then a quick marketing tip about how to use our poster. So that’s what I have planned for today but as always, we’ll take any questions that you guys have on the call.
If you’re not a subscriber to the Journal of Sexual Medicine, oh, by the way, we also have some really crazy good press that came out this month on the current Men’s Health magazine.
The one that is on the stands now. It’s the issue that has Mark Wahlberg on the cover. So it’s in every Wal-Mart, every bookstore right now and we have an article in there. It’s titled, “New Year,” excuse my French but that’s the title of it. “New Year, New Dick,” that’s the name of the title and the guy talks about our priapus shot.
As often happens, he doesn’t get the legal part right and he spells Priapus incorrectly, but he puts shot with a lower case “s” and leaves off the registered mark (®) so there really is some pretty sloppy journalism going on (since a little research shows that Priapus Shot® is intellectual property intended to mean a particular way of using PRP injections in the penis and post op and pre op protocols).
But, Andy Warhol said, “I don’t read the reviews, I just measure them in inches.” But this is a really good time to talk about the Priapus Shot®. I’ll send out an email to the group to let people know, but the Priapus Shot® porcedure is really in the news. To put an ad in that magazine costs you quarter million dollars and we have an eight page article now about the Priapus Shot® procedure in Men’s Health, so it’s a good time to talk about that.

So back to this research, it’s pretty easy to summarize and this has been out for a few months and I’ve been wanting to bring it up. It talks about this thing that we all know that women who are put on Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors often have a drop in their sex drive.
This is the paper that came out... Click to Read Abstract<--
But what isn’t talked about a lot is that even after you stop the medication, often times they keep the low sex drive. So I have a little formula that I use before there was an “O” shot that I’m happy to share with you and then I think combining it with the “O” shot, we should get even better results. But I wouldn’t pretend like only rejuvenating the tissue of the vagina could take care of all the problems that might be going on metabolically in the brain secondary to months on an SSRI.
What I have found works the best is this. I make sure that, I’ll just bring this up where I can kind of type it out. I’m going to put this where I can make it where you can see it. This would be my of handling this and I’ve found that just one thing often doesn’t work. The first thing I put on is I like Depo-testosterone, Depo-testosterone. This is one of those drugs unlike some, where generic is fine, I don’t or I’ll compound it, can even be better in some cases. I don’t like to start a woman with creams because she may forget them, she may sweat them off down here in the south where it gets hot. Lots of things can happen.
Maybe she’s not absorbing it well and if a month later, her libido isn’t up, I have to do blood tests to know whether or not she’s even using it or absorbing it properly. But if I start off with Depo-testosterone 50 mg IM every 21 days, which is a pretty whopping dose and so you have to obviously, you don’t just put her on that and forget her. You have to bring her back about a week to two weeks after the second dose at the latest and you redo blood tests and see how she’s doing. They’ll often say their libido pops up towards the end of that 21 days and then pops back down and then comes up after the second shot and stays there. Then I’ll adjust it and then swap her over to creams or pellets after you get her libido back. But otherwise I’ve found I fiddled too long where that I know it’s in there and I know if testosterone’s going to help, that dose will help her.
1. Depo-testosterone 50mg im every 21 days. 2. Wellbutrin 3. O-Shot® 4. Family &/or Sex Therapy
Then if she needs an antidepressant, which often times she will not after you have her on testosterone, but I like Wellbutrin. It seems to, I’m spelling that wrong Wellbutrin. Anyway, you guys know what I’m trying to write, Wellbutrin. The slow release at 150 mg somewhere in that range. That will help the depression and also help with sex drive. Then of course, the “O” shot can go in that formula now and I like to make sure of course, that someone’s thinking about whatever else might be going on at home socially, or emotionally with the woman. It’s just sexuality and orgasm is such a complicated thing. I have done some of this, talking and counseling and trying to get husbands and wives in. But, it’s time consuming and I don’t attempt it anymore. A marriage counselor or a sex therapist or both. And that combination I think, well I know, that combination has pulled without even using the “O” shot before there was an “O” shot, has pulled my people out of that.
But the reason I wanted to bring up this research, is that most people realize there’s an SSRI syndrome that causes decreased libido, but it’s not often talked about that it persists in many women for unclear causes, even after you drop the off the medicines. I’ll copy this link into the chat box so it you guys want to check that out, you’ll know where to find it.
This is the paper that came out... Click to Read Abstract<--
Okay, so that’s the research for the day and let’s get to some of the questions. If you guys have any questions, just type them in there and while I’m getting to this other research, if you want to contribute to that cause I see some gynecologists on the call, just let me know and I’ll unmute your mike because I know that many of you have experience with this and may want to add to what we just said. And I would love to hear from you. So, there should be a little thing to raise your hand if you have your mike. Some of you don’t even have a mike turned on, but if you do and you want to contribute your ideas to that, let me know because I’d love to hear from you. Let me pull up the next question.
How long can you wait after phlebotomy before doing preparation of the PRP?
So this is a good question I think. It says, “What’s the longest we can wait after drawing the blood and before spinning and injecting? We’re performing “O” shots intraoperatively at the end of the case, who have a longer case. We like to draw blood prior to surgery. Any thoughts?” In the thoracic suite where people are doing heart bypass surgery, this is one of the places where this has been used PRP, to help healing of the sternal wound postop. The number I’ve been quoted is up to six hours, even after you centrifuge it, it can sit there. I think it’s certainly okay to let it sit there for three to four hours as you’ve indicated here in this question and then throw it in the centrifuge and inject it. That’s the answer to that question.
Now of course, after you push it through the needle or you add calcium chloride to it, all bets are off and I like it to begin the person’s body, preferably in less than a minute or two and I’m always trying to put it once I activate it with calcium. Which I hope you’re doing if you’re doing the “O” shot, activating it either with thrombin, which some of the kits have, calcium chloride or calcium gluconate. After that activation happens, it should be in the person’s body in less than three minutes.
I see Kathleen, if you don’t mind I’m going to have you pull up this next question, talk about how you deal with the ladies in your practice who have been on SSRI’s. Are you there Kathleen?
Kathleen Posey: Yeah, can you hear me?
Charles Runels: So for those of you who don’t know, Dr. Posey has seen thousands of women in her practice, is a gynecologist down in the New Orleans area. So talk to me about how you deal with the women either who are on SSRI’s or who have been on SSRI’s while I pull up the next questions. If you don’t mind.
Kathleen Posey: Very similar to you, that’s why I didn’t say anything except I agree. I mean if they come in on an SSRI and they have diminished orgasm ability, which most of them do I don’t stop their SSRI right away, I just add Wellbutrin and usually the combo is fine. Before I do the O-shot though, I really want the O-shot to work and I really try to ween them off the SSRI on to the Wellbutrin and a lot of the times I’ll do the same thing, I’ll give a shot of testosterone in it at the same time I’m doing a pellet, or I’ll give a shot of testosterone when I’m doing the O-shot because I just want them to get started and pretty much do the same, I use the pellets more than I do the injection but that’s just my preference.
Charles Runels: Okay so when you do, let me catch up with you. So when you do, someone comes in and they’re on an SSRI, you might start Wellbutrin and give them a testosterone injection or a pellet and then either do that O-shot then or bring them back and do the O-shot later is that correct?
How the Athletes Boost Testosterone (7 Ways from Fitness Volt)
Kathleen Posey: Yes but I keep them on SSRI because a lot of times, you know most of them have been on the SSRI so long I find if you just stop it and then just try to get them to go to a [inaudible 00:11:18] it doesn’t work that well. Wellbutrin makes them a little bit more nervous, it’s not as sedating and if you just give it, that’s why even the therapeutic does at 150 the therapeutic dose is 300. So if you just give them 150 it seems to work with the SSRI and then I’ll let them go a month or two talking about the O-shot, talking about testosterone and I usually try to ween them, eventually [inaudible 00:11:56].
Charles Runels: Okay. Alright.
Kathleen Posey: I know a lot of the psychiatrists do it that way too, they’ll just add …
Where do you get your supplies?
Charles Runels: Add the Wellbutrin, okay beautiful. Alright so here’s another question, it says where do you get your 30 gauge needles and your 1/16th syringes? So if you go on to the, hopefully it’s on here, if it’s not I need to fix it. If you go on to our website what I’ve tried to do is on the how to do page, so you’ll be coming from a different direction but … There should be a link to everything. Maybe there’s not. Nope. I’ll just put, I know it’s on the O-shot so let me pull it up there and I’ll add it to the vampire facelift. If you go to … by the way I just added to, let me pull this up, [inaudible 00:13:08].info … okay.
So in all the others, which I haven’t done yet on the facelift but I need to, all the others there’s a dashboard and when you go to the dashboard there’s a place where it says supplies and sources, also on the how-to-do procedure and when you click on that I just didn’t realize it didn’t have it there, maybe I overlooked it. But I know where it is on this one and right there is where I get most of my stuff from McGuff pharmacy. They have lure lock connectors, they’ve got the needles, they have the 1/16th syringes with the lure lock connection to it and I buy these by the box full for not much, there’s the part number and I’ll put this link in the little chat box and add it to the webpage where we put the answer to these questions.
O-Shot Provider Member's site P-Shot Provider Member's site Vampire Facelift Provider Member's site Vampire Facial Provider Member's site
So actually most of the questions this week were on the vampire facial website and if you guys aren’t yet doing micro needling or offering it for postpartum stretch marks it’s something to think about because I’m hearing more and more that, that’s working. Sign them up for two to three treatments and it’s really working well from what I here, I haven’t treated enough to tell you first hand but I have people in the group who have treated a lot of people with that. So, but there were quite a few questions in the vampire facial and then after these questions I’ll give you guys some marketing tips on how to use those posters. Oh by the way so here, before I get to these four good questions here I just added a new dashboard and a lot of extra content to the facial. So if you go to the vampire facial dashboard I uploaded some new videos, taken from our workshops and so this is the new facial dashboard and if you go to the how to do page you’ll see some really detailed videos where some of the stars in our group, like this one. Of course Dr. Bowen’s published some stuff about this, there’s some really nice videos, especially this one where some people who do a lot of micro needling talk about it.
Vampire Hair Growth™
So, let’s see back to our questions on this page and then we’ll talk about the posters. Four good questions here. Okay first one, where’s the quiz. I’m not sure why that’s not showing up but I’ll put that, make sure it says well there’s a little quiz there to take from some people but if you’ve already had a hands on course then it’s not going to show up. You’re not doing the hands on course you’re certified. But if you’re learning this as part of an online course then there should be a quiz that shows up. Let’s see this one, good morning I have a patient who’s [inaudible 00:16:44] hair PRP after a transplant, he’s been using Minoxidil, it’s on a low dose Finasteride. The hair is now thinning considerably, what about using the PRP after a hair transplant, any noticeable difference back on Finasteride or not?
So I’m going to approve this so it’ll show up and see if some of our hair people will help answer it but what I know is some of the people have told me that they are using PRP. Of course we know it’s being used as part of the hair transplant procedure with improved results, so most of the hair transplant surgeons are doing that now but the idea of repeating the PRP every six months or so is also becoming a thing that’s done standardly to help maintain it. So the short answer to that is yes, there’s evidence that it will help as far as putting people back on Finasteride it makes sense that it would help. There’s this talk of the occasional person who gets depressed from that and I don’t have an answer for that part of it but I know repeating the PRP every six months or so has been talked about among our group as being something that’s helping. Let’s see so how many treatments are recommended for the hair restoration?
So this again there’s not one standard, I will tell you from the things I’ve seen at the meetings, what I’ve seen that’s been published and there’s been a growing number of papers published and some of this there is not a known this is the answer but I’ll tell you what I think is the consensus for now. So how many treatments? Most people go three treatments at four to six weeks apart. How long until they’re visible? It can be up to six months, they have to be patient. But most of us are stopping if we don’t see any results a month after the second treatment, which would be two to three months in and results, as in documenting with photographs, if you see new hair growth and you keep going, most of us are stopping if you’re not seeing anything after the second month. But to be actually happy with what they’re seeing it can take six months to a year.
How long until the peek effect? Just answered that. How long do the effects last? Most people are redoing it every six months or so, just one treatment not the whole serious of three. What’s the recommended fee for each treatment? Anytime I spin blood it should be at least $600 because you have cost of good and your time. Most people are charging and that’s really almost losing money because you have to pay, not only the cost of good for these kits, which can be expensive but your time, the office time, there’s this engine running every minute in your office, you should calculate what that’s costing you by the time all the people are getting paid and the lights and the taxes and everything. Every minute that engine turn cost you money. So to really come out on this, really most people are charging a series of three for somewhere between 2500 to three grand and obviously that’s worth it if you get good results and we’re not keeping the money if we don’t get results. What type of anesthesia do you use? I put on the facelift … I need to put it on the facial side. That’s why this guys probably hasn’t seen it. But on the facelift side, I just put up a new video about hair. Actually, two new videos. So, here’s one of them. 20 minutes from one of our providers up in Canada. And then, this one. This Dr. Mario is been doing hair for a long time. I think it was 20-plus years he’s been doing hair. We filmed his technique for both doing hair, and blocking the scalp. I was somewhere down in Florida when we filmed this. So, those are two new videos that I recommend you watch to answer both the blocking part, and the technique part.
When do you add in the Botox when using PRP?
Okay. So, I think that answered all those questions. Next questions, if a patient has Botox recently, how long do you recommend waiting before scheduling a Vampire Facial? So if you think about it, the Botox binds to the nerve blocker about … it takes about four hours, so we tell our people, if you get treated with Botox, wait four hours before you lie down, stand on your head, all that stuff, so that it doesn’t migrate and cause atosis. Now, if you reversed it, and you did the Vampire Facial, you could immediately do Botox. If you did the facial first though … excuse me.
So if you did the facial, you could immediately do the Botox same visit. No big deal. If you did Botox, you could do the facial and probably get away with it anywhere other than the more exacting spots, like the lower face or the corner of the eye, where migration would cause a problem. If you were microneedling under the eye or the forehead, it wouldn’t really matter. Ideally it’s either same visit, go facial then Botox immediately afterwards, and I do that quite a bit with the facial and the facelift. Or, if they’ve had the facial, just give it four hours, so it could be the next day, or later that day if you just forgot and did one in the wrong orders, if you did the Botox first. And I think that’s all the questions on this.
Dana Kirk just put in something that is interesting. Okay. So she says, “At the last International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery … ” You know what? I may just unmute you if that’s okay, Dana, and let you tell us what you … sounds like you were at a cool meeting recently. Let you educate us. Hold on a second. If you’d rather not, that’s okay, but I’d rather you just tell them instead of me having to rehash what you said. Are you there, Dana?
Dana Kirk: Hi. Yeah, I’m here.
Next Workshops with Live Models<-- Find O-Shot® provider Find Priapus Shot® provider Find Vampire Facelift® provider Find Vampire Facial® provider Find Vampire Wing Lift™ provider The Cellular Medicine Association (who we are)<-- Charles Runels: Beautiful. Talk to us. So, you were just at a big meeting. Tell us about the meeting.
Dana Kirk: Well, it’s every other year, and it’s internationally, so they talk about the different protocols. And PRP, probably six years ago, was something that they kind of dismissed as being a standard protocol, and now it’s part of the mainstream.
Charles Runels: Beautiful.
Dana Kirk: Yeah. The recommendation is to … In the perfect scenario, you’re doing two treatments one month apart before the actual transplantation.
Charles Runels: Okay. Beautiful.
Dana Kirk: The jury’s still out as to if they do any A cell or anything during the transplant itself, but during the procedure part, they will go ahead and inject PRP at the same time.
Charles Runels: Uh-huh (affirmative).
Dana Kirk: We do not discontinue the Finasteride. That’s continued at one milligram, and that just stays constant.
Charles Runels: Okay.
Dana Kirk: The Minoxidil is just temporarily for about two weeks, withheld.
Charles Runels: Uh-huh (affirmative).
Dana Kirk: And then, you resume every six to nine months with the maintenance, so that they don’t lose the remaining hair. These treatments won’t affect the transplanted hair, but it’s in preservation of the existing hair.
Charles Runels: Beautiful. Very smart. Thank you for adding that. And then, you mentioned something in your note to me just a moment ago, about low-level laser. Have they started making that part of their standard protocol?
Dana Kirk: Yes.
Charles Runels: Interesting.
Dana Kirk: Yeah.
Charles Runels: Do they have a particular brand that they are mostly recommending, or is it pretty much whatever you round up?
Dana Kirk: I mean, it’s across the board. It’s more about the diodes or the [diudes 00:24:45], depending on what part of the country you’re from how you say it.
Charles Runels: Yeah.
Dana Kirk: How many basic lasers are within that. But for the most part, the device needs to have a minimum of 30, and they need to wear the device anywhere from two to three times a week.
Charles Runels: Beautiful. You got this down. Thank you for all the help. So, stay on the line and have … you and Kathleen both have your mics unmuted right now. There’s another question here from … let’s see. Who’s this? It’s from David. I’m gonna unmute you, David, so you can ask us your question. Hold on a second.
When do you repeat the O-Shot® (Orgasm Shot®) procedure?
Okay. So maybe the mic’s not working. So David asked, “What’s your current protocol for the O-Shot? One? Or plan on repetitive series?” So, here’s the deal with that. When I survey our patients and when I survey our providers and I ask, “What happens first and second and third shot?” What I hear is that the first time around, across the board, the hard cases and the easy cases, this isn’t merely incontinence where we get closer to 90% or more depending on whose hand it’s in with one treatment for stress urinary incontinence. Not for that, but just averaging them all together. So, this is including hard cases. A woman who’s never had an orgasm in her life and she’s trying to learn how to have an … you know, trying to get her body to respond.
We have 65% of women are delighted after the first treatment. It jumps to 85 after the second one. And so, I had the idea of maybe just making it standard protocol that everybody gets two treatments, sort of like we do with the hair. You know, you sign up, you get two to three treatments everybody. But to me, that somehow didn’t feel fair to those women, which is more than half, who are perfectly happy after the first. Now the other thing is, a lot of people are happy after the first, but if you repeat it at eight weeks, they then love it. So, after the first treatment, her pain went away, Dyspareunia resolved. But after the second treatment, she was unchained, was the word she used. Whatever that means.
So, it does seem to be additive in some people. But again, I didn’t want to make it necessary if it isn’t necessary. So the short of it is, [inaudible 00:27:20] are happy, and they seem to be still wanting to cooperate with you as a patient, do it again about eight weeks later. I wouldn’t do it any sooner, because otherwise you don’t know the results of the first one. So, do it again. And then, if they don’t respond after the second treatment by eight weeks, now you’re into 16 weeks. Eight weeks after the first one, you can repeat it. Eight weeks after that one, you can repeat it again. Then, I would give them their money back. So, that’s kinda how I go by it. If they come back after the first one and they are better, but they still haven’t seen all the results they want, most people want to pay you again. But, if they just saw zero results, I’ll usually repeat the second one without charging them, and then give them back their money if they’re not better after the second one. So, I think that’s probably the answer to that question.
Anybody else have a question?
David: Can you hear me now?
Charles Runels: Now I can. Yes. Now I can. Beautiful.
David: All right. Sorry.
Charles Runels: Any follow-up question to that? It’s good?
David: Okay. The reason I asked that, and I think I asked it once before about three or four weeks ago, is that, you know, I did an O-Shot on Diane. She had absolutely incredible results on her bladder concerns for about 10 days.
Charles Runels: Okay.
David: She was just exquisitely pleased.
Charles Runels: Yeah.
David: And then, she saw that start wearing off, as I’ve said in past conferences. Now, I’ve teamed up with someone. You know Debra Parker, I presume?
Charles Runels: Uh-huh (affirmative).
David: She’s an RN. She said that she has found that some of the practitioners she works with … she’s an RN in Tennessee or Kentucky. I can’t remember. She has said that the protocol that they’ve used in the clinics that she’s working with now, it’s pretty much go to standard three injections and charge $2100 bucks for a combination of three, and that their success has been 95-plus.
Charles Runels: Yeah. I couldn’t argue with that. You know, you may find that some people are well after the first one or two, and are not really wanting to go further, but I couldn’t argue with that at all. It’s what we do with them. Any other PRP procedures, you know, the Vampire Facial’s a series of three. So, absolutely. I think it’s worth considering.
David: Right.
Charles Runels: I wouldn’t consider it bad medicine considering it’s a fairly safe thing to do. In everything we’ve seen, it seems to be cumulative. The other thing that helps if you have … ’cause some people, it doesn’t wear off until a year out, and so do you really? That’s the question I have, do you really want to have everybody go through a series of three if maybe whatever percentage of them would have been fine with just one? I don’t know the answer to that. I could argue with making it a series of three and having a higher success rate. I’m just kind of deciding on a case by case, after each shot, deciding if they need another one.
The other thing that would add to it I think is combining it with some sort of energy source. So when I talk to the people who do energy followed by PRP whether it’s laser or ThermiVa, they do energy then PRP same visit. Their success rate of the first round seems higher and it seems to hold maybe a little longer. Again, do you want to make it the standard for everybody? It’s probably not needed since many people get better with just one O-Shot®, that’s it, that’s all it takes.
But when I talk … and we don’t have the numbers, that’s part, I want to just put in another plug for this. If you go and do our patient survey, which hopefully you guys are still putting people in, we’re trying to get a feel for that because part of the questionnaire asks people, it’s sent to them by text message, all HIPPA compliant, costs you guys nothing, I can give your data back to you. But the person who puts the person in the study puts in, did you do a laser device? Did you do a radio frequency device? Then we can follow survey data about why they were treated and maybe get an idea if it’s truly what I’m hearing, which is close to 100% if you do energy followed by O-Shot® on the same visit first time around.
David: That’s interesting. Okay, well that, thanks for that. I just want to give you an upgrade and to the point …
Charles Runels: Thank you.
David: … Diana said she wants to go ahead and repeat it once or twice, because she had such good results, she wants to have a repeat …
Charles Runels: Beautiful.
David: … and she’d have no problem in doing so.
Charles Runels: Beautiful. Well, thank you for the feedback.
Hey, just hang on the line, let’s see if you have anybody … no other questions. Any other feedback that anybody has, raise your hands, otherwise, I’m just gonna do a quick like five minute, “How to Use our Poster to Get Patients,” tips.
How to use an office O-Shot® or P-Shot® poster to help patients who need you to find you…
Okay, don’t see any other hands.
While you’re on the line David, have you used our poster to recruit patients? If so, how have you used it?
David: I haven’t really, because I deal with someone who has an existing cosmetic practice, who just has some concerns about artwork and style and things like that, so I don’t want to push it.
Charles Runels: Okay.
David: I have no problem. I have not done it, I have no problem with it, she does, so I’ve kind of backed off.
Charles Runels: Yeah, interesting. She doesn’t think it matches the office, that’s okay.
David: Yeah. I’ve used the brochures and she has no problem with handing the brochures. She has no problem with my talking about it on Facebook Live, etc., etc. I don’t know, I haven’t revisited since the first time I tried, so I’ll do it again.
Charles Runels: It does bring up a good point in that some people … and I’ll meet you here in a second Kathleen, ’cause I know Kathleen’s used her poster some. But it does bring up a huge point in that some people are embarrassed to have it, because they realize you now have a sign in your office that’s talking about sex. It could be that’s she’s saying it doesn’t match with the décor, but what she’s really saying is I don’t want a sex sign in the office and that’s okay. It’s her office, she can decide whatever she wants. Then you’ll go to an office and you’ll see, they got a Cosmo on the table and the front cover is about 16 ways to give a freakin blow job.
David: Yup.
Charles Runels: Here’s my thing about offices, my number one rule is, if you’re not taking control of the environment of your office, in my opinion, you’re losing one of the main effects of an office. I have had people occasionally come to my office and I’ll come out to bring them back to the exam room and they are sobbing because they’ll say, “I feel like this is a healing place.” What they’re feeling is that I have taken control of their environment, there is not poison in the air, there’s no TV blaring, if somebody donates magazines to my office, they go in the garbage can, because everything that you can see, read or hear in my office is good for you. I’m controlling it and if a magazine comes in, I’m gonna be advertising Botox and they’ve got an add for some stupid cream that’s supposed to work like Botox in Cosmo, so all that stuff goes out the door.
Then as far as what we put in there, everything that I’ve done, I’m trying to take the John Grisham approach. John Grisham has a rule that he never writes a book that he would be embarrassed that his mother read it. If you look at our stuff, I try to keep that in mind. These posters by the way, sit in India, they sit in Maine, one of my providers sits within a short drive of the LL Bean store, places where … I’m in Alabama in the Bible Belt, so it could be that, and I’ve heard people say, “Oh, I can’t put a poster, because it has about sex.” Again, I don’t know the situation in your office, it may not even relate to what I’m saying, but your comment triggered some stuff that probably needs to be said, which is most people find that they’re patients are so needing something to break the ice. They’re so needing anything to break the ice, because they’re afraid and they’re embarrassed to bring up the subject. Anything that you can do to break the ice, they love it.
They also have on the O-Shot® website a little five questionnaire that says something like, “Do you have pain? Are you able to have arousal?” The last question is, “Do you want to the doctor?” Adding that to the intake form gives you an icebreaker to let you know if they want talk or not.
Having said that, I’m gonna open your mic Kathleen and then I’m gonna give my steps on how to use the poster.
Okay, let’s see, you’re on mute.
Kathleen Posey: Okay.
Charles Runels: Are you using poster?
Kathleen Posey: Yes. I’ve used my poster for years, it fits in my waiting room along with the books that are in the waiting room. All my books are in all my exam rooms.
You’re talking about the patients are saying it’s easier to talk about sex. They’ll come in and say to me, “I can’t believe that you’re gonna let me talk about sex now?” What’s also interesting in what you were just talking, what I’ve also realized, I’ve gotten a lot easier to talk about sex.
Charles Runels: Interesting.
Kathleen Posey: I’ve been doing this goin on five years now and I would probably say six years ago, I either didn’t have the time, I wasn’t comfortable or I didn’t know really how to help them to say, “You know, do you have orgasms?” Now, I have no trouble asking a person about their sex life.
Charles Runels: Interesting.
Kathleen Posey: Six years ago I did and I think most gynecologists do even though we are who we are. My poster has helped, because I’m just a routine gynecologist, it’s helped my practice knowing that I’m doing something different, and if they don’t an email or whatever and having the books. A lot of times the books disappear, but I could care less, because if they disappeared in the waiting room or the exam room, they’re reading it or they’re going to give it to somebody else. I actually give out a lot of books. If they’re a hairdresser and I find out they’re a hairdresser and they an O-Shot®, I give them about 10 books, because they’re talking to everybody.
Charles Runels: Beautiful.
Kathleen Posey: The posters really help me get more comfortable about talking about sex and it’s also, I think, gotten the patients more comfortable that they can ask me.
Charles Runels: Beautiful.
Kathleen Posey: When I was doing surgery, I’d just wanted, you want to put that hand on the door when they start asking about sex, you want to run through it, I don’t feel that way anymore.
Charles Runels: Beautiful. Well, you bring up several good tips. One of them is, which before a lot of things that have happened over that last few years, not just with the O-Shot®, but other things. Why bring up the subject if you don’t have lots of options or at least some number of good options as a solution? You don’t want to bring up world hunger in part of your visit, you can’t fix it. Obviously sex isn’t world hunger, but we didn’t have as many options even five – 10 yeas ago. Now that we do, it’s more easy to bring it up. By the way, I think …
David: Charles.
Charles Runels: Yes sir.
David: Charles.
Charles Runels: Yes.
David: Dave again.
Charles Runels: Oh, yeah.
David: One of the things I’ve used as a … I don’t have as many stories as you do, so I use your stories.
Charles Runels: I mean good.
David: I strongly suggest people do until they have their own. I had a woman in the office today who came to me for orthopedic issues. As you know I’m an orthopedic surgeon and I do a lot of orthopedic BLP and stem cells and peptides and whatever. In the process there of, she said, well you know she knew my associate very well, said, “I’ve known her forever, she’s done all my facial stuff and everything else. What else do you guys do?” Man that was just a perfect opening to be able to discuss. I didn’t have a poster in the room, but I turned on my verbal poster and I started telling Charles stories about your urologist friend and taking off the market by the FDA of the product for urinary incontinence, how horrible slings were except in the cases that had to have them and it when on to the girlfriend and the banker and to this that and the Sunday afternoon when you tried it on yourself. She was just like, “Oh my God, this is incredible. I had no idea that this existed.”
I encourage people to use you until they have their own stories.
Charles Runels: Beautiful and that also brings up another thing, the people that have done well with us, like super well, like Kathleen where they’ve had really really good results as far as the marketing piece, they are out there telling stories. They’ll do a YouTube video, they’ll interview a patient, patients tell their story. Stories are the best way, that’s really how a lot of people learn.
This is where the shot lives, if someone wants to pick one up and I’ll try to expand it where you can see it a little better. That didn’t expand it, just made me try to order one. But anyway, it’s written in a … Here’s the quick way to how to use it and we’ll shut down the call.
If you guys don’t mind I’m gonna mute this a little bit, I’m gonna mute some of the microphones, but I’m happy to unmute them if somebody needs that done.
Here’s my quick version of how to use the poster.
You have it sitting at a place they will be staring at it if there’s any moments waiting in your office. Not just this poster, any poster, something you want to you sell. If you notice, the bottom of the poster has a website on it. You would like for them to go to that website on their iPhone or their iPad while their waiting and find out something about it. If they ask you what the O-Shot® is and they haven’t done that, it’s a very difficult thing to explain in the office. Especially for your staff, whose phones ringing and they’re busy, they don’t want to explain it. They’ll tell them just enough to scare them off.
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When they inquire about it, the best thing to do is do what you heard Dr. Posey do, which is hand them a book or a brochure. Something that they’ll have with them physical to look and think about so that they teach themselves about it. I wouldn’t even really try to push it to a conclusion while they’re in the office, it’s too much for them to figure out what PRP is and whether they want something. You just let them know that it’s available. You don’t want to push it on someone who hasn’t thought about it and is pretty certain that’s what they want anyway. You hand them a book or brochure. I have mine in a little stack, with a little not by it that says, “Free, take two or three.” Otherwise, they feel guilty about taking one.
I have a standing challenge, so far no one’s ever called me out on it. If they do I’m happy to keep my promise, which is that if you give away 10 O-Shot® books in your office, I don’t mean throwing them out like at one of our Mardi Gras parades or stacking them up at the gym, but I mean someone taking it from your office or you handing to someone and saying, “Here, this tells you more about what’s on the poster.” Or, “Here, I think this may help you.” If you don’t get at least one patient for those 10 books, I will send you 10 more books. That’s a standing invitation, because if you don’t get one after 10 or 20 books, then I need to talk with you more about how you’re talking about it. You should be having at least one or two, often times you’ll get two or three people for those 10 books. You’re not just obviously doing a procedure, you’re changing their life. You’re changing their relationship many times.
That’s the quick version of how to use these posters. You don’t want it in the hallway where they’re passing it. One of our providers actually has it in the bathroom, so when they’re urinating, they’re staring at the poster. It could be anywhere where they have to sit for more than a couple of minutes.
I see Kathleen’s hand back up. Let me undo your mic and then I think we’re gonna call it a day.
Kathleen, you’re back live.
Kathleen Posey: Actually, that was an old. My hand was …
Charles Runels: Oh alright.
Kathleen Posey: … a while ago.
Charles Runels: Okay, so you guys have a wonderful week.
Kathleen Posey: I was actually gonna ask you a question about …
Charles Runels: Okay, go for it, I’m in no hurry. Go.
What’s the best way to measure and adjust testosterone levels in women?
Kathleen Posey: It was back with the testosterone. Before I give testosterone or pellets or even an O-Shot®, just personally, I get their pre and total testosterone levels.
Charles Runels: Yes.
Kathleen Posey: What do you think the normal levels in a female should be? What is the limit of high that you will let it go to? I do the thing because again, it’s so conservative I want it for the boards to show that it was frankly non-existent and that’s why I gave them the testosterone. What do you do?
Charles Runels: Okay, so …
Kathleen Posey: What do you think?
Charles Runels: We’ve sat through these lectures before, as you know listening to Erwin Goldstein speak who edited the Journal of Sexual Medicine for seven years. He’s high on this website, which I’m gonna through into, post into here, which is using pre and total testosterone and sex finding globulin to calculate the pre testosterone level. If they’re having symptoms, then I like for … this is showing you all the calculations that computer’s doing for you … I like for their pre-testosterone level to be in the upper 25% of normal, that’s what I calculate for. If it’s in the lower 50th percentile, then I’ll add to it. If check it and if it’s high, and it’s above what’s normal for free, I will drop the level. I think if you don’t do that then you are sort of opening yourselves up for problems. If you’re looking at problems, not I don’t think medically, but politically it’s interesting how testosterone because of the athletes abusing it, it’s become a target for all the things with three letters, the DEA and all that.
Free Testosterone Calculator <-- The science backing up the Testosterone Calculator<--Chapter 15 Covers the O-Shot® Procedure
Even though there’s lots of evidence and I know there are physicians and women out there who feel better with the pre-testosterone that’s higher than what’s normal for a female, and I don’t think there’s anything medically wrong with it if you’re following them clinically. I’ll tell you one scenario. I had a poor little lady in her 80s who fell and broke her humerus and was teetering ongoing to a nursing home. I make no apologies, she was still bright minded and just a beautiful hearted woman who lived down the street from me. I put her on a man dose of testosterone, sent her to my favorite physical therapist and we got almost 10 more years of her living independent at home. She got a little hair on her lip, but we’d go have tea every day and she loved me and she was independent for another almost 10 years. Was that bad medicine? I don’t think so. I’m not giving her prostate cancer, she didn’t care about the facial hair so much and we had a good time. But, as far as politically goes, I think pre-testosterone that’s what you follow and there’s the calculator for it, which I’m told is more accurate than letting the lab calculate it for you using those two. You get a sex hormone bonding globulin along with the testosterone level and that’s how you get it.
Again, I start them on that 50mg IM and they get the feeling of it and they kind of blast them off and then I can drop it if I need to.
Okay, you guys have a lot of good information. A crazy good call and happy with all the participation.
Something else?
Okay, I think that’s it. You guys have a great day. Good-bye.
Charles Runels, MD
Inventor of the Priapus Shot®, O-Shot®, & Vampire Procedures® (facelift, facial, breast lift, wing lift)
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