Topics Discussed Include the Following… *Botox for bruxism-the central effect *PRP for peptic ulcer disease *Botox for erectile dysfunction Video/Recording of CMA Journal Club, Pearl Exchange, & Marketing Tips Relevant Research, Relevant…
Author: runels
JCPM2022.07.19 Female Genital Mutilation. Melasma. PRP. O-Shot. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Topics Discussed Include the Following… Treating All of the Following with PRP: Melasma Female Genital Mutilation Neuropathy from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Wound Healing Questions from Our Members Morning, Dr. R, may I…
JCPM2022.07.19 Texted questions: Morning, Dr. R, may I have price advice for vampire facelift, prp hair?O-Shot 1,200 then 1,000 P-Shot 1,800 then 1,000 Vampire Facial $600 per treatment Vampire Facelift $1,500 (includes…
JCPM2022.07.12 References Botox for Bruxism Ågren, Martin, Christofer Sahin, and Mattias Pettersson. “The Effect of Botulinum Toxin Injections on Bruxism: A Systematic Review.” Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 47, no. 3 (2020):…
Saline is Not a Placebo
Saline is often used as a placebo in pharmacology research. When injected iv, it exerts no effect and functions as a true placebo. But, when saline is used for hydrodissection and used…
JCPM2021.10.06 PrematureEjaculation.3TypesOfWomen.WhyUseHAInsteadOfPRF?
Topics Discussed Include the Following… *Premature Ejaculation treatment *The Three Categories of Women Who Need Hormones *What is Premature Ejaculation (how long is not long enough)? *Why use HA instead of PRF…
5 Things that Helped Me Last Week (2021 October 31-November 6)
5 Things that Helped Me Last Week (2021 October 31-November 6) For Members of the Cellular Medicine Association Hello! Here are 5 things that helped me last week… 1. Idea/business book that…
Female Stress Incontinence–New Research that Every Gynecologist Should Read
Topics Discussed Include the Following… *Metanalysis Review of Possible Injectables for Treating Urinary Incontinence in Women *Urinary Incontinence—The Surprising Truth about Female Athletes *Is Saline a Placebo? *The muscle atrophy and nerve…
Topics Discussed Include the Following… *The Most Common Criticism of PRP-Related Research *Proposed methods of classifying PRP *Should you or should you not activate the PRP with Calcium? *What exactly happens when…
5 Things that Helped Me Last Week (2021August23-29)
For Members of the Cellular Medicine Association Hello! Here are 5 things that helped me last week… 1. Idea/business book that helped me last week… Propaganda, Bernays 1928. I just had to…