Topics Discussed Include the Following… *Premature Ejaculation *Chronic Prostatitis *Shock Wave *P-Shot® Video/Recording of CMA Journal Club, Pearl Exchange, & Marketing Tips Premature Ejaculation Helped by HA injections<– Apply for On-Line Training…
Author: runels
Topics Discussed Include the Following… Peptides Peptology® Apomorphine Thymosine PRP Video/Recording of CMA Journal Club, Pearl Exchange, & Marketing Tips Peptology® Training With Dr. Heather<– Relevant Links Strengthen Immunity (NEJM)<– Impact of…
E Mail Secrets that Make You Smarter & Your Patients Healthier
Email Secrets… How to Write 10-Minute Emails that Make You Smarter, Your Patients Healthier, & Your Practice More Profitable This course is offered only in-person; it is not offered virtually/online so that…
Surviving COVID-19 from a Physician Who Did
Topics Discussed In the Following Video Include… Dr. George Liakeas discusses his recovery from the ventillator during his battle with COVID-19. Dr. George Liakeas gives his best tips for helping your patients…
New Ideas in ED Therapy and Staying Well
Dr. Richard Gaines<– Apply for P-Shot® training Cellular Medicine Association<– P-Shot® research<–
Sexual Wellness (free on Kindle):Optimize Your Relationship, Pleasure & Sexual Health
This book provides the wisdom and practical advice of seven separate physicians who not only understand the most up-to-date science of sex but also bring to that science more than 200 years…
Labia, Beauty, Love, & the Vampire Wing Lift®
In Celebration of Women (and Halloween)… A free webinar discussing the wonders of considering the beauty of all parts of the body–including the labia. Featuring Dr. Carolyn Delucia (board-certified gynecologist, teacher, and…
A full recording of the discussion of the research and its application is available to CMA members References COVID-19 Effects COVID-19 causing huge surge in divorce<– COVID-19 and suicide ideation and substance…
From Vampire to Orgasm & Priapus–How and why I invented the Vampire Facelift®, O-Shot®, & Priapus Shot® procedures
Southern Research Institute Center for Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine Springhill Medical Center Vampire Facelift® research<– Priapus Shot® (P-Shot®) research<– Orgasm Shot® research (O-Shot®)<– Treatment of erectile dysfunction in the obese…
P-Long Study Application
Thank you very much for your interest in participating in the P-Long Study, And in staying informed about future research. Here’s where to apply to participate in the P-Long Study. For updates…