The normal time for physicians to accept a new procedure is 20 years (10 to do the research and another 10 for physicians to routinely offer).
Case examples..
1. Heart Catheterization. The first heart cath was done in 1929 by a Dr. Forssmann– who tied the nurse down and cathed his own heart then walked up 3 flights of stairs to take the photos to get it done!
2. Antibiotics for Gastric Ulcers. Barry Marshall won a Nobel prize for the discovery. He gave up gaining acceptance in Australia, then came to the US and only after the popular press started talking about it did physicians start reading his research. He GAVE HIMSELF an ulcer by drinking the bacteria.
Ulcers were BIG business (they cut them out and made many $ with surgery and Tagamet®. People assumed the cause was already known and quit looking for another cause…so they were not interested in Dr. Marshall’s research.
Guess what? Now, midurethral slings are BIG business so “who needs another way?”
I don’t claim to be on the level of Drs Marshall and Forssmann but both of these 2 men inspired me. I actually pulled up Dr. Forssmann’s story on Wikipedia and read it for a few minutes to get psyched out before I injected my own penis with PRP (which I did twice before I injected any other person’s penis or clitoris/vagina).
Now, as you see the response of physicians to my procedures, you can see so many physicians who don’t see that they don’t know what they don’t know. It’s OK, it’s the natural course of things. Hopefully it won’t take the usual 20 years before we finish the needed research & women are routinely offered the option of an O-Shot® & men a Priapus Shot® procedure.
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