Transcript of Video
Hello. This is Charles Runels and thank you so much. I’m honored to welcome you to the Cellular Medicine Association on behalf of myself and all the staff that works with us here in our headquarters and [on behalf of] the 2,000 or so physicians in our group across 60 or so countries [where we have members].
[In our group we enjoy the collaboration of] plastic surgeons, family practitioners, interventional radiologist, multiple medical schools or multiple continents.
I’m so very proud of our group and I’m honored to welcome you here and I expect that you’re going to be very pleased with the camaraderie and the sharing of ideas, so let’s get to showing how to become involved as quickly and as painlessly and easily as possible.
Here’s what you do to see the “how to do videos”…
Whatever membership you are now in, you should have a password that we sent to you by an email or if you don’t, we’re so eager to help you [so let us know if your password didn’t come through}.
Click on the provider membership(s) that you’ve joined and enter the password and username sent to you…
TIP= Here's the best software for creating and remembering strong passwords (click)<--
After you login, using the links in the above list, to change your listed information or password…
To update your Provider Listing Contact information, once you are logged in, look at the very top right of the screen. There will be a black bar across the top and it will say your name. Scroll over your name and choose edit my profile. Fill in all the blanks with the information you want listed on the Provider directory that patients see when they look for a provider.

If any problems at all [logging in], you can click right here and contact us lots of ways. You can text us, message us, email us, phone call us, but hopefully, you have a username and password already. If you’re a new member, the same username and password should work for every provider membership that you are a part of.
Then, once you are logged in, you will see at the top of the page in this right hand corner up here where you can click and open it up and edit your information. There’s also places … There’s a dashboard. You can see how to do it. You can see where to buy everything [all needed supplies]. You can post questions for your colleagues to answer. You can participate in research in some of our groups. It’s all right there.
I would also encourage you to go here immediately and schedule a free one-hour consultation where we will help you get the ball rolling, have the phone ringing and without spending a lot of money, engaging patients who need you so that you benefit and you will have a return on your investment of time and energy with the love and affection and gratitude of those whom you help and also monetarily, so thank you.
It’s all there inside. See you on the other side with all those videos.
REMEMBER–schedule a free marketing consult here (click).<–
TIP= Here's the best software for creating and remembering strong passwords (click)<--