This sample of our weekly journal club is posted as an example of part of the benefits our joining our provider groups. We do these meetings weekly...every week and feature physicians and their amazing research from around the world.
Topics Discussed Include the Following…
*Documenting the Penis
*Documenting the Penis by text (in a private way)
*How long to wait after the O-Shot® before getting a Vaginal Laser treatment?
*Treating the Bell’s Palsy with the Vampire Facelift®
*Where to park your podcast
Video/Recording of CMA Journal Club, Pearl Exchange, & Marketing Tips
Documenting the Penis
Charles Runels: Welcome everybody. Looks like we have a great turnout today. Let’s start with this question just it’s about where to find the questionnaire for men. It’s a good reminder that we should be doing something to document an objective measure of what’s happening. Moving to the O-Shot® and the Priapus Shot®, so I’ll show you where to find it for both. When you log into the Priapus Shot® membership site, and you click on the how to do procedure button, and then you scroll down. There’s an erectile scale, so it’s objective measurement of erectile function. It’s commonly used by the urologist and there it is right there. Erectile dysfunction intensity scale.
Then when you open that, it gives you a scale of from one to five, for five questions. So the lowest you can get is one on every one– times five, the most you could get is 25, so that’s where you would download that. Now, if you don’t want to, well let me take this back.
Online, Text, Documenting the Penis
If you want to continue to survey them, old school way would be to do this the day you visit with them, and then on follow up visits, but if you wanted to have it done automatically, then you’d go back over here and we have, so you go back to the dashboard and then you click on patient survey.
We will administer that for you. I recommend you do both. Do something on paper the day you visit them, and do the procedure and then follow up, but then also all you have to do is put in their name and cell phone number, and then they’re surveyed in a HIPAA compliant way with some open ended questions, also you can see we have a drop down menu so we look to see which kit you used, and other things like are they on testosterone. If someone put something really strange in here, then we have a way I can use birthdays, and the day they saw you, and you could reconstruct it and contact them, but the good thing is I can give you your data. What your patients are doing, and this will help us design future studies.
Even though it’s not double-blind placebo, there’s a fair number of data points being collected, so we can publish this in a prospective survey kind of thing, and that same erectile dysfunction scale was part of this, so questions one through five questions where they’re graded one through five. That’s where you find it, on the how to do page, and then scroll to the bottom and you can download it. Then on the same thing for the female side, there’s female sexual distress and female sexual function index, which takes a few minutes. Female sexual distress is the quickest. Female sexual function index probably takes, if they’re thoughtful about it, five minutes or so, but we can administer those also by survey. Then give you that data. So that was a good question.
How long to wait after the O-Shot® before getting a Vaginal Laser treatment?
Let’s see. This was a good, oh, well I’ll come back to that. Let’s go ahead and do this question. How long does a patient need to wait after the O shot for getting a Mona Lisa vaginal laser treatment for vaginal atrophy? By the way, you guys, you can type into the question box if you want to contribute, you can just raise your hand and I’ll unmute your mic, or you can type into the question box if you have a question or a comment, and I’ll either read it or unmute you so you can talk. This is a great question. As part of the answer to this, someone asked me for a detailed video recording that they could show their patients after they had a procedure done.
The O-Shot® procedure, so I’ll show you where I put it and I’ll recommend that you guys do your version of it. I’ll show you where it lives. Right here. If you go to the O-Shot webpage, the main site, and then recent posts, I put a podcast blog right there. So you can just click on it there, and actually the transcription is done, I’ll have that posted by tomorrow morning, but I recommend you take my transcript, and read it, and do it your own video or your own podcast, and put it on your website, and modify it based on your observations and philosophies. You’ll see I go into what to expect whether you’re doing it for like necrosis, and I go into some of the ideas about using other methods like radio frequency, the Emsella with the electromagnetic contraction of the pelvic floor.
If you are interested in Emsella, send message to the company to get a discount for being a member of the O-Shot® provider group…
if you purchase, then let us know and we will put an icon by your name on the O-Shot® directory so that women know that you offer a combination therapy of the O-Shot® procedure combined with the Emsella treatment…
here’s where to let us know…
So back to this question, if you do the O-Shot® the day of the procedure, you could do the O-Shot® immediately after any sort of inner treatment, so you do vaginal laser, or radio frequency, and the same visit, same day, immediately afterwards you could use PRP. Same thing if you were an Olympic athlete, you’d use PRP to help recover the muscle function immediately afterwards. If you go to PubMed and just read about PRP, one time it was outlawed by the Olympic committee because it does seem to help recovery with muscle function, but then they decided to allow it.
You could make the argument that it may even help the day of using an Emsella or the electromagnetic treatment, but if you do the PRP first, then the energy’s going to denature the amino acid proteins, just like if you took insulin and shook it, or you cooked it, you denature the amino acid chain and uncode that chain so it no longer, it just becomes another protein. It no longer is a chemical messenger like the amino acid peptide or hormones like growth hormone and insulin are, which is of course why you cannot take them by mouth because the digestive system, as you guys know, breaks amino acids apart so now it just becomes like you ate a hamburger, so you can’t take insulin as a pill or growth hormone as a pill because it denatures or scrambles the message.
In the same way, if you did an O-Shot®, so the question is how long does a patient need to wait after the O-Shot® before you do the Mona Lisa, but what you can assume is whenever you do the Mona Lisa, you’re going to undo first of all the amino acid messenger chain, that are the small peptides, that are released from the platelets. Then second of all, of course the laser is going to cause damage, which is the intention of fractal sort of puncture wound as if it were doing a laser version of micro-needling. And then you have recovery or healing of that. So if you’re doing heat and you have pluripotent stem cells that have migrated there because of your plasma it appears to me that you would probably undo that as well, that growth.
I would say you would do the Mona Lisa whenever you thought the effects of the O-Shot had taken place. If you flip the order, you go Mona Lisa and O-Shot immediately afterwards on the first day, but if you do Mona Lisa first I would want to wait at least six weeks, preferably eight weeks so that you have most of the benefit of the O-Shot before you did the laser. If you look at the wound care studies that Sclafani did with PRP most of the effects were there at eight weeks with full effect at 12 weeks post treatment with PRP. I would want to give it eight weeks or else I’m attenuating the results of the O-Shot.
Using the Vampire Facelift® help Bell’s Palsy
Okay so, we covered this one with the short vagina last meeting, let’s see if anybody has, nobody has a question yet. There was a really interesting question someone had about, yeah. So Catherine Stone (check her out here) is one of our [amazing] providers in New Zealand and she also keeps an office in London, one of our teachers, she teaches a beautiful class there in New Zealand.

She teaches along with Dr. Kirshni Appanna.

She says, if you, well she talks about Botox [as a treatment for Bell’s Palsy], but she comes up to Bell’s Palsy, “I treat a lot of residual Bell Palsy and facial asymmetry patients this way using Botox. Once their Palsy is established how about PRP for Bell’s Palsy? Would you only use it the first six months or you think is long term?”
Where to inject, so this is a great question. One of us needs to publish this because so far three people have told me that they saw benefit years after the Bell’s Palsy.
I’ll pull this up just so you can see. The only reference I saw to it in the literature was someone who put this out where they used mononuclear cells and platelet plasma which there’s two variables–after 26 YEARS of being plagued with this condition.
Read about treating Bell’s Palsy of 26 years duration with PRP<–
But, we’ve had three different people tell me, and I’ve actually seen this as well, a Bell’s Palsy improved years afterwards. One of the people works in my office as a matter of fact had, not a Bell’s Palsy but facial surgery that left her with numbness that’d been done over ten years before she came to work for me.
I did the Vampire Facelift® for a cosmetic result and then anecdotally she noticed that the sensation had returned to her face. So, I don’t know when the time limit is for this to happen, but it appears to be that it can happen after, not just the acute phase, but months or years after the Bell’s Palsy has occurred. If you actually just look at the research, what’s been published, there’s a fair number of studies showing plate rich plasma helping regenerate nerve tissue. I think it’s because we know it’s affect on attenuating all the immune response, it’d be nice to get to these people immediately when the Bell’s Palsy occurs and see what would happen and someone needs to do that study.
There’s so much research that needs to be done based on our observations but there’s no downside and a huge upside so I would say try it and of course it’s in the distribution of the facial nerve, I would just, but there’s no downside of just putting it everywhere. I would just put subdermally everywhere. We actually used to do this eight years ago when I first started doing the Vampire and using PRP cosmetically. I would use more of it, I’d basically tried to fill every part of the face subdermally but most people found that, or some people found it a little much so I became more selective and strategic about where I place it.
But I think in the case where you’re trying to regenerate nerve, I would just consider it, putting it everywhere. Or, if you want to be more specific you put it in the distribution of the facial nerve. Okay, let’s see, we didn’t have as many questions this time, i think that pretty much covered the questions that showed up on the website. See if anybody else has any questions. We may shut this down early. The, let’s see I don’t see any other questions.
I’d like to cover when we do these journal clubs, I like to cover research that we’ve done and hopefully somebody will build on that and something about marketing. As far as marketing goes this time, I think that there was one question that came up about building out a link to sell the Altar or whatever you might want to sell, creating a link that goes on your website. I actually covered that a few workshops or journal clubs ago, it might help if I just show you how easy it is to find things that are actually on one of our pages. If you go, I’ll go in and I’ll show you. There’s a search box and if you just type that, whatever it is you’re looking for, so let’s say that we’re on this page, and by the way our Altar shipped this week so hopefully you guys are seeing that.
Where to park your podcast<–
Get to the page. Yeah. There, so whenever you’re here, you just put in the search box whatever it is you’re looking for so it’ll pull it up on any of the posts. We have many pages on these websites. Let’s see if there’s any other questions. Not many questions this week so we may just shut this down. Okay so I think that’s it. My big marketing tip, well big but I don’t know about that, but the marketing tip I have for you this time is record an aftercare, either podcast or video. For podcast I use You can record a podcast or a video for the actor here. What to expect before your procedures, you can put that on your websites because a lot of people look at that before they have a procedure done and you’ll find that people come to you and have the procedure done because they saw your aftercare instructions. So tonight was a quick one, I don’t see any other questions so we’ll just shut this down. You guys have a wonderful week.
Next Workshops with Live Models<---
Relevant Links
Apply to join each of our provider groups<—
Treatment of Bell’s Palsy with PRP (why the Vampire Facelift® could help this condition after 26 YEARS)<–
Nerve regeneration with PRP<–
What to expect after the O-Shot® [Orgasm Shot®] procedure<–
Vampire Facial® Research
Cellular Medicine Association