Journal Club with Pearls & Marketing 2024.05.07 Cellular Medicine Association |
The following is an edited transcript of the Journal Club with Pearls & Marketing (JCPM) of May 7, 2024
Topics Covered
- Ben Affleck Gets Feminized.
- A Model Consent Form for PRP Procedures
- Wound Care Science Applied to the Vampire Facelift® Procedure.
- The Story of the Vampire Facelift® Procedure
- HIV and the Vampire Facial® Procedure (the Real Story)
- Here’s an email you could send.

Charles Runels, MD
Author, researcher, and inventor of the Vampire Facelift®, Orchid Shot® (O-Shot®), Priapus Shot® (P-Shot®), Priapus Toxin®, Vampire Breast Lift®, and Vampire Wing Lift®, & Clitoxin® procedures.
Today, we will talk about new research regarding wound care and how it relates to the facial procedures we’re doing. Thank you for coming to The Journal Club. Before we get to the science, I wanted to show you this picture of Ben Affleck.
Ben Affleck Gets Feminized
Ben Affleck was recently at a roast for Tom Brady, and people were giving him a hard time online (ironically after he ranted about people giving people a hard time online) about the difference in the look of his face.[1]
If you’ve been in my workshops or are part of our group and have studied my website regarding the Vampire Facelift® procedure, you can immediately identify the unnatural change. I even showed that picture to Lauren, who works for me and oversees our fulfillment. If you order a book, a poster, or a brochure, or anybody orders anything, she’s our version of Amazon, but she also helps with the workshop (and hears my lectures). I showed her the picture, and then she immediately told me exactly what I am about to tell you: they changed the proportion (of cheek to jaw width) and feminized his cheeks.[2]
I don’t know if the article will be published, but I was asked to comment on the change in his face for another online journal. Did he have a facelift? Did he have too much botulinum toxin? What happened?
He does look younger, but they broke the rule regarding prioritizing shape over texture. If you look at his picture before they did something and when he played Daredevil (one of my favorite movies, great theme, great music) and when he played Batman and The Accountant, all those leading men, he’s got broad shoulders, but his jaw is significantly wider at the masseter muscle than it is at the cheek. That is a huge thing. So now, if you look at him, you can tell in this picture better than this one. This looks like it’s been edited somehow, but his cheek is coming forward, and it’s going laterally almost as wide as his masseter.
As you know, females have a masseter that is narrower than the cheek. I teach these principles in our online and hands-on courses, but if you can also see them at, there’s Dr. Marquardt, who was an engineer before he became a surgeon and published some studies where he measured the face using calipers. These were the days before AI; he published some meta-analysis-designed topographic maps demonstrating what beauty is.
That’s the ideal female mask, but there’s also an ideal male mask.[3] You can see that for the female, the cheek is wider than the masseter.
And he has on here pictures from all over the world, different ages, from Egypt, Japan, Italy, China, all over, demonstrating that it’s been known and talked about and that you can take that same mask and apply it to artwork from every continent and every race. No matter what race, most males are perceived to be more attractive with wide shoulders and a narrow waist, and women have a narrow waist and wider hips, and there’s just something programmed into our brain to look at things like that.
You see, the female has a wider cheek; the male has a wider masseter. Look at this picture: the male has a strong jawline, and the cheek is narrower than the female’s.
So now, if you go back to Ben Affleck, you can see what my employee saw: someone overfilled his cheeks. They also took away his frown, and if you’re a superhero, you need to be angry, so it’s harder for him to look angry, and someone overfilled his cheeks.
I hope the provider who injected Mr. Affleck is not on this call. We have quite a few people in our group who care for movie stars. But whatever. It didn’t hurt his bank account, and he’s still a rich and handsome celebrity. But I thought it might help to show you the changes in his face that his fans found disturbing.
A Suggested Consent Form for PRP Procedures
Someone published a suggested consent form for people who are doing PRP procedures.[4] They had legal experts research it and develop an example of how to do a consent form for PRP. And I had my attorney look at it and I’m going to show it to you, and then I’ll tell you what we think about it, so those are the two research projects or research papers today. Let’s start with this one. Let’s see, wait a minute.
It’s worth reading to understand the evolution of not just the legal part but also PRP. It’s a quick read, and they give you an example consent form.
I had our attorneys look at it, and the question was, is there something in here we did not think about, and does our consent form need to be updated based upon this study?
The answer was that our consent forms (found on the membership sites) do everything suggested here and much more.
The thing I look for when we do these journal clubs is twofold; one is to teach us if there is something new that I should know to make sure that we’re doing the best and most up-to-date care for our people. And the other thing I look for is if something reassures us that we’re on the right track.
Here’s the link right here,[5] and this is one of those articles. You should have your attorney (because every country and state is different) look at our consent forms and not just use them blindly. Your malpractice carrier will want to see a consent form with your letterhead at the top, so they know what you’re having people sign before you do procedures.
We have consent forms for all the procedures on our membership websites, and I’m showing you this to reassure you that ours are up-to-date; if you’re using a consent form from our website, you’re doing everything included in this article, plus some. It’s open source. You can download it, read it, download the consent form, and match it up with the ones you already have from our membership sites, and you’ll be pleased.
Using the Science of Wound Healing to Enhance the Vampire Facelift®
The next paper discusses wound healing by mixing an HA filler with PRP.[6]
Sound familiar?
Their research is new, but this idea goes back to 2010 when there was a paper showing the combination of HA with PRP helping heal wounds.[7]
You could use this link to send to your people to help them understand our Vampire Facelift® procedure. Of course, some of you might be doing wound care, and the article would directly apply. Some of you might be visiting nursing homes, or if you’re doing primary care and people are getting stasis ulcers, this research may help.
I managed a hospital-based wound care center with a hyperbaric chamber in Mobile during my ER days, and it can be very rewarding to help people avoid amputation. That’s a good day’s work.
However, there was a paper that came out in 2010 where they took people who had exposed bone and tendon in the foot and ankle, and one group got an HA covering only. The other got a layer cake with HA and PRP on top of it, and the layer cake worked better (faster re-epithelization).[8]
The language they used was that the PRPs recruited stem cells that then used the HA as a scaffolding to build tissue, accelerating the process. This recent article talks about a variation on HA dihydroxyphenylalanine, or dopa HA, and they got me on that one.[9]
When I was first told about PRP, I was told to use it “like Juvéderm.” Sometimes, your patients get confused about this, and doctors can get confused about it, so let me show you what I was looking at back in 2010.
The Story of the Vampire Facelift® Procedure
In 2010, I was working in my office, and I was a pretty high-volume injector, so a sales rep showed up, and he says he was selling a centrifuge that makes this stuff called PRP made with a Selphyl centrifuge.
Let’s use the Way Back Machine to look at the Selphyl website in 2010.[10]
The Way Back Machine is crazy good; I’ll give you a link. If you don’t know about it, you can search any website, and this website takes snapshot pictures of a bunch of websites so you can see what they looked like years ago, which can sometimes be helpful. Here’s the link to the Way Back Machine. Selphyl makes a great kit; some of you may be using it. I know quite a few people in our group who use Selphyl. It is the only kit I know of that includes the calcium chloride to activate the PRP to make platelet-rich fibrin matrix.
So we’ll click January of 2010 and see what the website looked like.[11]
Let’s look at this before and after the gallery. They show pictures of before and after faces fixing nasolabial folds. Let me see if I can find where they describe that.
Well, the problem is I injected people as they asked me to, and then they would come back and say, “Well, that pretty shape you made went away, but my family’s telling me that my face is glowing.”
So when they would tell me that I would take out a syringe of Juvéderm and put the shape back, they would benefit from the PRP plus the HA, but it was working better than expected; it was working well.
Selphyl was still pushing to use it as a standalone, but many people tried that and said it didn’t work, so they quit.
I could get a lot more satisfaction from my patients if I created a pretty shape with the filler and then put the PRP on top of it (I wanted to sculpt a shape and get the neovascularization that comes with the PRP). That was the original evolution from PRP alone to the Vampire Facelift® procedure.
I needed a name to mean those two things together, so I came up with the name Vampire Facelift, which the Selphyl people didn’t like. The company has a different CEO now and a different culture, but back then, they told their sales reps not to use the “Vampire” name, then eventually tried to litigate and take the name away from me. First, they were embarrassed by it and didn’t want to associate it with PRP, and then when it went viral, they wanted to take it from me.
But the bottom line is it’s a name that means a method,[12] a particular way of using filler combined with polishing that sculpture off with PRP.
But the results were so amazing. I went to the literature to figure out why, and that’s where I found the wound care studies, like what I just showed you. So you go to the internet, and you’ll find a lot of those.[13] [14] [15] [16]
When we treat the face, what’s happening is you’re doing as you normally would with an HA filler, making your best shape. But then, when you put your PRP on top of it, it does last longer and polishes off your sculpture because now you have neo-vascularization and collagenesis that happens with a scaffolding shaped exactly by the way you used your HA filler.
HIV and the Vampire Facial® Procedure (the Real Story)
I was asked to write an article about what happened with HIV and the Vampire Facial® that was done by someone not in our group and done improperly, so someone falsely advertising the Vampire Facial® but doing something stupid.
Here’s the article in Medscape<==[17]
It’s accurate, complete, and has multiple links to micro-needling uses to support our actions. They gave me a forum to tell our story about what happened and why people should be coming to us (the people in our directories), not those falsely advertising and pretending to be us.
All right, I hope that helps you take care of your people.
Thank you very much. Goodbye.
Here’s an Email You Could Send
- Copy and paste the following message into a new Word document.
- Then edit it so that it sounds like you.
- Add a story or a personal observation if you have time.
- Then, fill in the information with your phone number, etc., and send it to your patients.
New research showed how combining an HA filler (like Juvederm) and combining it with platelet-rich plasma can help heal wounds. But this same combination can be used to restore the face to a more youthful shape.
Here’s more research about the Vampire Facelift® (which we do in our office). <=
If you think this may help you or someone you love, please get in touch with us.
Best regards,
(Your name)
(your contact info)
“Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma vs Conventional Dressing in the Management of Chronic Diabetic Foot Ulcers – PubMed.” Accessed March 7, 2022.
Cervelli, V., L. Lucarini, D. Spallone, L. Brinci, and B. De Angelis. “Use of Platelet Rich Plasma and Hyaluronic Acid on Exposed Tendons of the Foot and Ankle.” Journal of Wound Care 19, no. 5 (May 2010): 186–90.
Chicharro-Alcántara, Deborah, Mónica Rubio-Zaragoza, Elena Damiá-Giménez, José M. Carrillo-Poveda, Belén Cuervo-Serrato, Pau Peláez-Gorrea, and Joaquín J. Sopena-Juncosa. “Platelet Rich Plasma: New Insights for Cutaneous Wound Healing Management.” Journal of Functional Biomaterials 9, no. 1 (January 18, 2018): 10.
Duan, Wanglin, Xianzhen Jin, Yiyang Zhao, Sergio Martin-Saldaña, Shuaijun Li, Lina Qiao, Liang Shao, et al. “Engineering Injectable Hyaluronic Acid-Based Adhesive Hydrogels with Anchored PRP to Pattern the Micro-Environment to Accelerate Diabetic Wound Healing.” Carbohydrate Polymers 337 (August 1, 2024): 122146.
“Frequently Asked Questions | SELPHYL,” March 9, 2010.
Gallagher, Brian. “Fans Savage Ben Affleck after His Appearance at Tom Brady’s Roast.” Mail Online, May 6, 2024.
Marquardt Beauty Analysis. “Face Variations by Sex.” Accessed May 7, 2024.
Medscape. “Don’t Fear the Vampire Facial. Just Keep It Safe,” May 9, 2024.
Pai, Satvik N., Naveen Jeyaraman, Ravichandran Venkatasalam, Ravi Vr, Swaminathan Ramasubramanian, Sangeetha Balaji, Arulkumar Nallakumarasamy, et al. “Standardized Informed Consent Form for Clinicians Administering Platelet-Rich Plasma.” Cureus 16, no. 4 (April 3, 2024).
Pourkarim, Reza, Mohammad Reza Farahpour, and Siamak Asri Rezaei. “Comparison Effects of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Healing of Infected and Non-Infected Excision Wounds by the Modulation of the Expression of Inflammatory Mediators: Experimental Research.” European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery: Official Publication of the European Trauma Society, February 12, 2022.
Spanò, Raffaele, Anita Muraglia, Maria R. Todeschi, Marta Nardini, Paolo Strada, Ranieri Cancedda, and Maddalena Mastrogiacomo. “Platelet-Rich Plasma-Based Bioactive Membrane as a New Advanced Wound Care Tool.” Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 12, no. 1 (2018): e82–96.
“Trademark Status & Document Retrieval.” Accessed May 12, 2024.
“Wayback Machine.” Accessed May 7, 2024.*/
Wound Care, Facial Procedures, Vampire Facelift, PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma), Consent Forms, Legal Aspects of Medical Procedures, Aesthetic Medicine, Celebrity Cosmetic Treatments, Educational Workshops, Medical Research Update, Vampire Facial, HIV, Ben Affleck
Helpful Links
=> Next Hands-On Workshops with Live Models <=
=>Clitoxin® to activate the autonomic nervous system to improve female sexual function <=
=> Dr. Runels Botulinum Blastoff Course <=
=> The Cellular Medicine Association (who we are) <=
=> Apply for Online Training for Multiple PRP Procedures <=
=> Help with Logging into Membership Websites <=
=> The software I use to send emails: ONTRAPORT (free trial) <=
=> Sell O-Shot® products: You make 10% with links you place; shipped by the manufacturer), this explains and here’s where to apply <=
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[1] Gallagher, “Fans Savage Ben Affleck after His Appearance at Tom Brady’s Roast.”
[2] With Mr. Affleck’s broad shoulders, I do not think he will be mistaken for a woman. He still gets my utmost respect. I just wish he would see me or one of our Vampire Facelift® providers the next time he wants fillers. He would have done better with a Vampire Facelift® by our protocols followed by a Vampire Facial® procedure.
[3] “Face Variations by Sex.”
[4] Pai et al., “Standardized Informed Consent Form for Clinicians Administering Platelet-Rich Plasma.”
[5] Pai et al.
[6] Duan et al., “Engineering Injectable Hyaluronic Acid-Based Adhesive Hydrogels with Anchored PRP to Pattern the Micro-Environment to Accelerate Diabetic Wound Healing.”
[7] Cervelli et al., “Use of Platelet Rich Plasma and Hyaluronic Acid on Exposed Tendons of the Foot and Ankle.”
[8] Cervelli et al.
[9] Duan et al., “Engineering Injectable Hyaluronic Acid-Based Adhesive Hydrogels with Anchored PRP to Pattern the Micro-Environment to Accelerate Diabetic Wound Healing.”
[10] “Wayback Machine.”
[11] “Frequently Asked Questions | SELPHYL.”
[12] “Trademark Status & Document Retrieval.”
[13] Chicharro-Alcántara et al., “Platelet Rich Plasma.”
[14] Pourkarim, Farahpour, and Rezaei, “Comparison Effects of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Healing of Infected and Non-Infected Excision Wounds by the Modulation of the Expression of Inflammatory Mediators.”
[15] Spanò et al., “Platelet-Rich Plasma-Based Bioactive Membrane as a New Advanced Wound Care Tool.”
[16] “Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma vs Conventional Dressing in the Management of Chronic Diabetic Foot Ulcers – PubMed.”
[17] “Don’t Fear the Vampire Facial. Just Keep It Safe.”