Topics Discussed Include the Following… Recent research shows mechanical changes in the female sex muscles A close look at our O-Shot® and a suggested variation to use in women who have delivered…
Author: runels
JCPM2023.11.14 | Vampire Wing Lift® | Plantar Fasciitis & PRP and Botulinum Toxin
Topics Discussed Include the Following… Introduction to the Journal Club and topics for discussion New marketing ideas for O-Shot® products A little marketing strategy I learned as a boy The Vampire Wing…
JCPM2023.11.07 Female Sex Muscles | O-Shot® Procedure | Pelvic Floor Muscles | PRP & Muscle Regeneration
Topics Discussed Include the Following… Importance of female sex muscles in sexual function (it’s not just about the pelvic floor). The need to consider sexual function from a systems analysis. PRP and…
Do You Know All of the Clitoral Anatomy? (Only 1 in 7 Medical Schools Surveyed Teach It)
Topics Discussed Include the Following… What They Do Not Teach at Medical School (that you need to know about the clitoris) The Frenulum of the Clitoris and Its Relation to the O-Shot®…
JCPM2023.09.12 GenitalMutilation.PriapusToxin.LichenSclerosus.EMailMarketing
Topics Discussed Include the Following… *Genital Mutilation *Lichen Sclerosus *Priapus Toxin® *Email marketing *Penis Pumps Video/Recording of CMA Journal Club, Pearl Exchange, & Marketing Tips 1. Transcript, 2. Relevant Research 3. Relevant…
Priapus Toxin™: A Specific Method of Using Botulinum Toxin for Erectile Dysfunction
Priapus Toxin™: A Specific Method of Using Botulinum Toxin for Erectile Dysfunction The Cellular Medicine Association Announces the New Name News provided by Cellular Medicine Association September 11, 2023 FAIRHOPE, AL, September…
JCPM2023.06.13. Priapus Toxin™ | BoNT | Rejuvenation | P-Shot®
Topics Discussed Include the Following… How Botulinum Neurotoxin May Improve Erection BoNT for a Decrease in Fibrosis Pearls about How to Inject BoNT into the Corpus Cavernosum What to Do When Your…
JCPM2023.06.06.ED | Erectile Dysfunction | BoNT | Pyramids | Priapus Toxin™
Topics Discussed Include the Following… *A Review of the Treatment Options for the Treatment of ED *Is it Ethical to Ignore Regenerative Possibilities and Only Treat Symptoms? *The Value of Pyramids &…
JCPM2023.05.02. Erectile Dysfunction | PRP Science
Topics Discussed Include the Following… *PRP for ED *Variations in PRP Video/Recording of CMA Journal Club, Pearl Exchange, & Marketing Tips 1. Relevant Research, 2. Transcript, 3. Relevant Links 1. Relevant Research…
JCPM2021.11.02-Hair,MicroneedlingVsInjection; ShockWaveForWomen
Topics Discussed Include the Following… *PRP for Hair—inject or Microneedle? *Shock Wave for Women Video/Recording of CMA Journal Club, Pearl Exchange, & Marketing Tips Transcript, Relevant Research, Relevant Links Transcript Charles Runels:…